Need help for using QGIS

I would like to use QGIS for my spatial analysis and generate beautiful maps. However, I want to include graphs together with the maps. Is there any way to do this?

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Hey @www.lbeiby - good to see a fellow QGIS user :slight_smile:

It is very much possible to include graphs with maps. You first need to install the Data Plotly plugin from the QGIS plugin repository. After that, it’s super easy to create graphs using your datasets within the QGIS console. Happy mapping :+1:t5:


This is useful, thank you!

Hello, :wave:
Yes, QGIS allows you to integrate graphs with your spatial analysis and maps effectively. You can create graphs using the built-in tools or plugins like Data Plotly, and then overlay them on your maps for comprehensive spatial visualization and analysis.
I hope this will help you.