Choropleth map - creating a shapefile


I would work on merging population level data with a shapefile data of barangays, and cities/municipalities to create a choropleth map. Unfortunately, I cannot find a “free” shapefile data for city/municipal/barangay level. I only have shapefile for the regions.

Is there a way in R (or other softwares where I can import in R later on) to create a shapefile data for selected cities/municipalities/barangays?

Thank you.


Does this help Download Shapefiles For Any Country - April 4, 2024 ?


That’s a great resource @a_najeeb! I’ll bookmark that.

@Echo_Bajador Yes, you can! A few that come to mind (there are probably more):

  • OpenStreetMap might have the boundaries you’re looking for. You can use the osmdata or tmaptools package in R to extract this information. I use QGIS, and I know that there is a QuickOSM plugin that makes it easy to download OSM data directly into QGIS.
  • Geocommunity, DIVA-GIS has free spatial data, including administrative boundaries for many countries.

Thank you. This is the one I had when I mapped region-level data.

Hi, I’ll try this one.
Thank you.

I was able to download and filter shapefile at the barangay level.
Thank you so much.