Tips for replying to R code questions

Please read this before replying

  1. This is meant to be a space welcoming to beginners and forgiving of mistakes
  2. Multiple responses to one topic are welcome
  3. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with Applied Epi R training resources such as the Epi R Handbook, which to aid beginners emphasizes the following:
  • {tidyverse} for general data handling
  • {rio}, {here}, and RStudio projects for general data import and directory handling
  • {pacman} p_load() for package install & load
  • {janitor} tabyl() for quick summary tables, or {dplyr} or {gtsummary}
  • Use of the <- assignment operator, not =
  • Writing full argument names for clarity, such as mapping = aes() in ggplot() and ifelse(test = , yes = , no = )