GoData: creating an outbreak questionnaire

Hello! I’m trying to recreate our paper case investigation form for Mpox in GoData. When creating a new outbreak after filling in the “Details” tab and the “Map servers” tab, I am now in the “Fields” tab. Here, there’s only one “set” of Addresses (see screenshot), however I would like to have a “Current Address” group of questions which should include House Number, Street, Barangay (Village), Municipality, Province, and Region and a “Permanent Address” group of questions (with the same variables). How do I recreate this in GoData?

Also, I am confused what makes the “Fields” tab different from the “Case form” tab?

It has been a while since I last used GoData (2020) and it seems there has been some changes since then. However, the user manual is still dated 2020.

Attached is our case investigation form for reference.
MONKEYPOX-CIF_ver5 (1).pdf (559.7 KB)

Hi Iain,

If I understand correctly you want to add one extra question (Barangay) to the two address fields, is that right?

Also are you using the mpox questionnaire template that came with the Go.Data installation or did you create a questionnaire from scratch yourself?

Either way, these address questions are usually core questions (meaning they are not in the questionnaire itself but in the demographic data questions that get asked before the questionnaire and are common to all outbreaks).

To edit or add to core fields, you need to go into the reference data, find the relevant question groups and edit or add to them from there. This is covered in chapter 19 of the user manual - managing reference data.

Let me know if you are able to find / edit them from there - I will also have a look myself later today.

@paulablomquist @sarahollis - for your awareness.
Ian, Sara Hollis is a good resource for GoData, and Paula whom you know could be a resource on mpox