Hello forum
I’m building a choropleths maps to present completeness of indicator of Africa countries , I want to facet it into multiples maps indicator column and fill by gradient column as the code show.
When I use face_wrap() function, the multiple maps appear with missing countries in the map that change the visual of the continent.
The dataset have geometry information, country, indicator, value, gradient.
I want to split by indicator column and value column is the gradient for the legend
Can any one help me so solve this problem ?
# load packages
rio, # importing data
here, # relative file pathways
janitor, # data cleaning and tables
lubridate, # working with dates
matchmaker, # dictionary-based cleaning
epikit, # age_categories() function
sf, # to manage spatial data using a Simple Feature format
tmap, # to produce simple maps, works for both interactive and static maps
janitor, # to clean column names
OpenStreetMap, # to add OSM basemap in ggplot map
spdep, # spatial statistics
tidyverse # data management and visualization
dataset_joao <- data.frame(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
country =c("Algeria","Algeria","Algeria","Algeria","Algeria","Angola","Angola","Angola","Angola","Angola"),
indicator =c("Lymphatic filariasis","Onchocerciasis","Schistosomiasis", "Soil transmitted Helminthiasis","Trachoma",
"Lymphatic filariasis", "Onchocerciasis","Schistosomiasis","Soil transmitted Helminthiasis""Trachoma"),
value = c("3", "3", "2", "2", "1","1", "1", "1","1","1"),
gradient = c("Not endemic", "Pending","Endemic","Requiring PC","Not endemic", "Pending","Endemic","Requiring PC","Pending","Endemic", ),
iso_3 = c("ALG","ALG","ALG","ALG","ALG","ANG","ANG","ANG",,"ANG","ANG")
ggplot(data = dataset_joao, aes(fill = gradient )) + # Aesthetic for the fill color
color = "black", # Border color
linewidth = 0.3, # Border width
alpha = 0.9, # Transparency
position = "identity" # Default position adjustment
) +
theme_void() + # No axes, grid, etc.
fill = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE, title = NULL) # Legend settings
) +
values = c("Endemic" = "#F42617",
"Pending" = "#FCFF73",
"Not Endemic" = "#6AFD20"
name = "Reporting\nperformance (%)",
na.value = "white"
panel.background = element_rect(fill = "#C3E7FE"), # Background color
axis.text.x = element_blank(), # Remove x-axis text
axis.text.y = element_blank(), # Remove y-axis text
strip.text = element_text(size = 10) # Adjust facet label size
) +
facets = "indicator", # Facet by 'indicator' variable
scales = "fixed", # Fixed scales across facets
ncol = 2 # Number of columns in facets
#> Error in parse(text = input): <text>:23:107: unexpected string constant
#> 22: indicator =c("Lymphatic filariasis","Onchocerciasis","Schistosomiasis", "Soil transmitted Helminthiasis","Trachoma",
#> 23: "Lymphatic filariasis", "Onchocerciasis","Schistosomiasis","Soil transmitted Helminthiasis""Trachoma"