Calculating Relative Risk / Odds Ratio in gtsummary. Adding adjusted OR in same table

hey ian

You can get RR using either poisson or negative binomial as below (sorry not a proper reprex). Both will produce the same estimate, but likely slightly different confidence intervals. The choice between the two has to do with overdispersion - in reality, if you run the negative variable and there is no overdispersion the {MASS} package automatically runs a poisson (so saves you having to make decisions).

## RISK ratios (poisson)
linelist_cleaned %>%
  select(DIED, gender_bin, age_group) %>%
    gtsummary::tbl_uvregression(method = glm,
                               y = DIED,
                               method.args = list(family = poisson),
                               exponentiate = TRUE,
                               hide_n = TRUE)

## RISK RATIOS (negative binomial) 
linelist_cleaned %>%
   select(DIED, gender_bin, age_group) %>%
   gtsummary::tbl_uvregression(method = MASS::glm.nb,
                               y = DIED,
                               exponentiate = TRUE,
                               hide_n = TRUE)